Miscellaneous and Books
This is the current range of ACE Trains accessories and Books
All Prices subject to carriage where relevant.
Train name board sets
HB/3 “Royal Scot”
HB/4 “Caledonian”
Includes 1 Smoke-box door headboard. 1 Tail board.16 Coach boards.
£25 each
ACS/1/2/3 Signal Gantry
A reproduction of the Hornby No. 2E Signal Gantry c1938 with some updating including correct signal liveries and LED lighting in cast lamp housings fitted to the original non lit versions.
NB. Power input to the three types of Gantry should be no more than 12V.
£199 each
The Golden Years of Tin Toy Trains 1850 – 1909 by Paul Klein Schiphorst
New Cavendish Books – £35 plus UK post £8.99 (2nd Class) or £15.85 (1st Class)
Over 1,000 illustrations. Full colour throughout. 360 pages.
ISBN 1 872727 59 X
The Golden Years of Tin Toy Trains is one of the finest books on tin toys trains ever produced. Covering the period from 1850 to 1909, it highlights the best of the German manufacturers such as Märklin, Bing, Carette, Plank and Schoenner, as well as some of the lesser-known early French makes such as Dessein and Maltête. This superb book includes material which does not appear in any catalogues, as well as many outstanding tin toy trains and accessories that have never been seen before. Beautifully presented and the author’s magnificent photography illustrates his ten-year quest to find the rarest and most inventive toys.
American Motortoys by Lillian Gottschalk. Photographs by Bill Holland.
New Cavendish Books – £20 plus UK post £8.99 (2nd Class) or £15.85 (1st Class)
328 pages 270 x 290 mm. 500 illustrations with 184 in full colour. ISBN 0 904568 46 6
Lillian Gottschalk is a well known toy collector and owner of a world famous toy automobile collection which has been exhibited in major museums throughout the States. A definative history of the toy automobile in all its forms comprises all commercially made cars, trucks and other vehicles in cast iron, tin and steel covering the period between 1894 and 1942. Bill Holland’s photography is outstanding and combined with the author’s text based on years of intensive research goes to create a true celebration of the toy road vehicle.
The Minic Book by Peter Bartok
New Cavendish Books – £10 plus UK post £2.50
160 pages 210 x 242mm 154 full colour & 69 B/W illustrations. ISBN 0 904568 49 0
Minic toys were introduced in 1935 and have become very sought after in the range of toys produced by Tri-ang. Minic toys were tinplate and usually having clockwork motors.
Peter Bartock has worked both as an art director and lecturer in England and the USA and started collecting in his Art College student days.
ACE Brillianty Old Fashioned
Hard back book ‘The Story of ACE Trains’. A complete history to celebrate the first ten yearsof ACE Trains.

The ACE Trains Compendium 1995 – 2018
Landscape A4 format, 114 pages on art paper. All ACE production over 23 years most in full colour. The best all colour gauge 0 model railway catalogue since 1940. Wire bound soft bound copy with acetate cover.
Train Collector review June 2018: ‘Brilliantly Old Fashioned’ Nicholas Oddy.
Bassett Lowke Society: ‘a must for all gauge 0 enthusiasts whatever their interests’ Peter Beale June 2018.
An A4 insert dealing new production from 2018 onwards can be obtained from ACE Trains from time to time by sending an A4 stamped addressed envelope to ACE Trains, PO box 2985 London W11 2WP.