About ACE Trains

Allen and Charlotte Levy founded ACE Trains in 1996. The company birthday is 4th February representing a model railway heritage now longer than the famous Hornby Dublo Trains 00 gauge brand which ran from 1938 to 1964.

Super Tinplate

ACE Trains capture all the spirit of an earlier period of vintage ready to run model trains. They have retained all the glamour and excitement without stretching the idiom into all the electronic gizzmos of recent years. If you want steam engine noises get a live steam loco.

Re-defining Gauge 0

If you want all the pipes and rivets go fine scale. If you want weight rugged performance and do not wish to spend your precious train playing time cleaning track and worrying about reverse polarity go for three rail ACE. No need to re invent the wheel. If you insist on two rail you have the option with ACE from 2009 onwards – total flexibility.

Recent Comments from Around the World.

From Peter Sainsbury, USA

‘Dear Mr Levy,
First of all thank you for creating your outstanding line of locomotives and coaches. They really are a joy to own and run. I thoroughly enjoy your book ‘A Century of Model Trains’ I refer to it often both for reference and simple pleasure. I particularly like the section on Stan Beeson…’

From Hans Bradkte, Germany

‘Hello Charlotte!
The engine is arrived. This model (Duke of Gloucester) steamer is an eyecatcher! Painting and technic are the best. The rotating axles for the caprotty vafles are a dream. Many thanks to you and your team!…’

From Timothy Fox,  Australia

‘I have finally had an opportunity to unpack the Duke and it is wonderful…’

From – an European enthusiast who wishes to remain anonymous

‘Just received the first production of the special ‘Silver Jubilee’, whatever your regional affiliations are, it will be difficult not to brand this as one of the most outstanding commercially made Gauge O models ever produced. It is so good I will have to retire to a dark room…’

From Roy James, UK – Christmas 2019

‘Whenever I enter my train shed and see your locomotives, memories come flooding back of Hornsey train shed in the 1940’s.

I have great admiration for your locomotives designed not only to look like the prototype, but the running capabilities are excellent.’



ACE Silver Jubilee Book read with great pleasure throughout the world.     Bangkok 2020

ACE Trains have revived all that was best about gauge 0 model railways